Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Helping Darfur

Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust, is eagerly trying to create an awareness of Darfur and to end the genocide occurring there. He realizes that each day Darfur continues the killings there are countless innocent lives taken. Many people, similar to Wiesel, can relate to the people in Darfur. Some people share the same emotions, the same cultural background, or even the same experiences with the victims of the genocide. These bonds with the people in Darfur drive them to try and stop the genocide.
There are many groups that are working together to show Americans how terrible the genocide is in Darfur. The "Voices from Darfur" tour is program that helps people understand the deaths and suffering of the people in Darfur in more ways than just numbers. This tour has reached over 44 cities nationwide.
I have utmost respect for the people leading this tour and the people spreading awareness for the genocide in Darfur. I cringe when I watch reality TV shows where wealthy people spend their money in frivolous ways. I think these people are selfish; they need to be helping others and to use their money to make a positive influence on the world. These wealthy people should be able to live comfortably but the lavish lifestyle that some of these celebrities live is simply outrageous. And some people say that even if they did donate money to help the cause, they would not have an impact anyway. That is NOT true. Every effort, cent, and prayer will help these suffering people in more ways than we realize.


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