Thursday, September 18, 2008

BBC; China 'is Fuelling war in Darfur'

The BBC website has a lot of thorough and reliable information that has helped me gain a more thorough perspective on the war in Darfur. The link that I am particularly interested in is the one labeled China 'is Fuelling war in Darfur.' I cannot believe that another country would aid and fuel this horrible war. The UN has placed an arms embargo on Dafur. This means foreign nations are not allowed to militarily assist anyone in the conflict in Darfur. China is going directly against that. Over 300,000 people have died in the war in Darfur and the thought that any country would encourage and prolong this is appalling, regardless of their financial profit. There have been lorries found in Sudan, and the plates on these trucks prove that they were imported after the embargo was set in place. Three years ago, the UN has strong reason to believe that the lorries were imported from China to Sudan but they could not find them. The lorries were only discovered recently. I think China should stay out of the war in Darfur, even if they feel they are helping. China is not helping by adding weapons to the problem. Although China has denied this aid, there is valid evidence to prove otherwise.


1 comment:

Melanie said...

Hi, Becca!

I read your latest entry about the role China has played in Sudan's humanitarian crisis. When I first read about the genocide in Darfur, I had no idea that China was even remotely involved in Sudan. Things changed when I boarded a plane in June 2007, and I found an issue of Vanity Fair in the seat back. It sounds silly because Vanity Fair is not exactly the BBC in terms of reliable news coverage, but the entire issue was devoted to Africa, so I abandoned the book I was reading and leafed through the issue. I stopped when I found an article regarding the relationship between China and Sudan. If you have the chance, you should check it out. It's very informative and disturbing.